7-Days Of Healing: Day 3

So….. it’s 8:09p and I am just now getting here. This is the reality you guys, we cannot control every moment of our lives even in moments we think we have. I ended up in two incredible conversations with my sister and husband that needed to happen in order for me to complete this prompt today. So much reflection!!

Alright Day 3: Advocate

Give the mic back to the heart and listen to it. My heart wants to trust the process and feel every moment in full color. My mind has been in control forever and my emotions used to be demonized. But that’s no longer the case. My feelings have space to be HEARD, SEEN, SUPPORTED, PROTECTED and RESPECTED. Permission was granted when I gave it. But that came from feeling safe and the people in my life today are the one’s I feel safe with. They are the one’s I can RELEASE my thoughts to and they provide CLARITY through moments of indifference. They help me create the space to find my voice and speak with intention, ADVOCATING for my ambitions to be met, because my purpose is this journey.

See, I am learning too, I just need to do it openly with you all because I want the WORLD to see, you are more than the scars you bare and the weight you carry. You are powerful and we all are. So please allow me to be the catalyst for your journey to healing to begin if it hasn’t yet, the reassurance to keep going if it has begun and the confirmation to remind you that this is your journey too. Future you is ready to embrace you, so find your voice and let it speak!

This is all giving me goosebumps and chills all at the same time, which is usually how my anxiety speaks to me and is actually a warning sign. Normally, I would ignore this and then find myself feeling cold and I need to sleep to reset. But right now, I am noticing my body and it is feeling a trauma response to the excitement I am feeling. My fight or flight response cannot tell the difference between the causes of the anxiety, it just initiates the reaction to protect against it. It is in my control to slow down and process this response by grounding myself. This is why breathwork and grounding techniques are so important. It helps slow down your instinctual reaction to a situation, and allows your brain to catch up and make sense of the situation to initiate appropriate responses.

So… take it with patience and compassion you guys. This ish is tough!

-Steph <3


7-Days Of Healing: Day 4


7-Days Of Healing: Day 2