Intentional Influence


Hey Healer,

This week has been a woozy to say the least. First, let me lead with Maine was magnificent as ever and this trip with my sister was one to remember. As both my sister and I were doing some inner reflection, I've come to land on this one topic. Intentional Influence.

 It is so easy to get caught up in what our PRIDE and EGO desire before we've even checked in with the needs of our SPIRIT and SOUL. The ego makes it nearly impossible to become self-aware and gain insight on the role you play in any situation, further making ACCOUNTABILITY a greater challenge. When we live our life through the lens of our in ego, we can easily disregard others around us and not notice how we influence them. Blinding ourselves from insight, causing unintentional pain to others and to ourselves.

 Yesterday morning my husband and I had a disagreement that consisted of less words and more sharp eyes from me than anything. But to our daughter, it was a "fight" and if I would've gotten defensive on what label made sense, I would've missed my daughter's feelings. She took the time to explain to me that because it is such a rarity that he and I ever fight or argue, this made it harder for her. She shared her views and feels parents who argue, end up in divorce. Now, if you know my daughter, then you know she is fully capable of effective communication and you would also know my husband and I hardly ever argue, deeply valuing our communication. But we missed the mark here and if I hadn't taken the time to sit with our daughter, I could've influenced her idea of relationships further, possibly impacting her own in the future. Does this sound like something I would ever do intentionally? I think NOT! So, how do I assure myself that I won't have that influence on my daughter? By being INTENTIONAL!

 Coming back from Maine I learned that I need to be INTENTIONAL with my INFLUENCE. This means recognizing the POWER behind my words and actions, while remaining self-aware in moments I may lose sight. This means for me, walking in FAITH when I cannot walk by SIGHT. Giving it to GOD, asking for PEACE when I cannot find UNDERSTANDING. This is how I remain my best self, and this is how I find CLARITY in the words I share with the WORLD. See, this way I can be certain that when someone attaches my name to a memory they have of or with me, there will be NO FEAR OF SHAME because regardless of the memory, I will know I was my best self. This doesn’t mean we remain that version forever, or even doubt past decisions. It simply means during that memory someone else has of you, you were certain of who you were at that time. If you have memories that can challenge your perception of you, be patient, courageous and faithful with and for yourself as you learn from it. That is something I am sure you have given to others whenever they made decisions that could’ve influenced you.

 Unfortunately, I lost my best self for a moment when my husband and I disagreed and our daughter saw. But I won't condemn myself or my husband for that because we are human, and humans make mistakes. But I will recognize that mistake and ask for the opportunity to learn from it and do different next time. Like I've said before, for me my faith is in God but for you it could be something else. It isn't about the label on the bottle but the wine inside of it (Thank You David Rose). The point is, wherever you need to turn to find FAITH, do it, because getting to the best version of yourself lies within your SPIRIT. It calls you to place a mirror right in front of you, while you strip back layer by layer. Unveiling the darkest, most raw, most VULNERABLE parts of you! That is something that requires a strength outside of our own. It requires a STRENGTH in FAITH!

 Your FAITH is what is telling you that you have something special inside, something that could create divine moments for you and your loved ones. Wouldn't you want to be the best version of yourself in those divine moments? Then remember to be INTENTIONAL with your INFLUENCE. No matter how much you may think no one is paying attention to all the beauty you have to give, trust me when I say you have a PURPOSE, and we see YOU. So, lead with Patience that Stills the Mind, Courage that Ignites your Soul and Faith that Fuels your Spirit.


-Steph <3




Hello Healer…